Upper Eyelid Surgery (Upper Blepharoplasty)
What is a upper eyelid surgery?
With age and genetics, the upper eyelid skin can become excessive, sag over the eyelashes and create a heavy and tired appearance. The initial consultation will determine whether this is from the eyebrows drooping only, from excessive upper eyelid skin only, or a combination of both eyebrow drooping and upper eyelid skin excess.Behind the upper eyelids are two fat pads that can bulge and become more prominent with age. Upper eyelid surgery (upper blepharoplasty) is a very common procedure performed under local anesthesia (you are awake) that removes excess skin on the upper eyelids as well as bulging fat pads to reduce the effects of ageing.
Pre Surgery Instructions
Before the procedure
No aspirin or blood thinning medications for two weeks prior to surgery. No fasting is needed and we encourage you to have your normal meals and fluids on the day of surgery. You may take your normal medications except for blood thinning medications, such as Aspirin, Coumadin, Eliquis, Pradaxa, Xarelto etc.). If you get ill prior to surgery please notify us.The Surgery
During the procedure
The surgery is performed under local anesthesia in the clinic and takes roughly 1 hour. The incisions are well hidden within the natural crease of the upper eyelid. The only area that can be seen is a small extension into one of the crow’s feet creases at the outer corner of the eye. The scars typically fade very well and are not usually noticeable once completely healed.After Your Surgery
Post procedure
First night
The swelling will prevent complete closure of the eyes for the first night or two and so an antibiotic ointment is used to prevent any crusts from forming while sleeping. After two nights, the eyes will typically close without the need for the ointment.
Day 1
You should be up and walking, drinking fluids, taking your antibiotics and pain medication as described below. Increase activity as tolerated, but there is no heavy lifting for 2-4 weeks. Use saline eye drops as needed for dry eyes.
What do I take for pain?
If you have pain, you are encouraged to start with:
Two Tylenol extra strength (total of 1000 mg of Tylenol) and one Advil extra strength (400 mg of Advil) to be taken at the same time as they work by different mechanisms and work very well together.
You can take the above three pills (two Tylenol extra strength and one Advil extra strength) every 8 hours around the clock for the first day or two.
** Please be aware that with any medication and particularly Advil (a type of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory) there are risks of allergy, severe allergy, gastro-intestinal bleeding and stomach ulcers. Taking your medication with food can sometimes help with some of the stomach symptoms.
You may shower at any time as the incision lines and stitches can get wet. You can clean the incision line with soap and water and replace the antibiotic ointment twice daily.
Two Tylenol extra strength (total of 1000 mg of Tylenol) and one Advil extra strength (400 mg of Advil) to be taken at the same time as they work by different mechanisms and work very well together.
You can take the above three pills (two Tylenol extra strength and one Advil extra strength) every 8 hours around the clock for the first day or two.
** Please be aware that with any medication and particularly Advil (a type of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory) there are risks of allergy, severe allergy, gastro-intestinal bleeding and stomach ulcers. Taking your medication with food can sometimes help with some of the stomach symptoms.
You may shower at any time as the incision lines and stitches can get wet. You can clean the incision line with soap and water and replace the antibiotic ointment twice daily.
First post-operative appointment
Your first visit to the office is at one week and the stitches are all removed.
Second post-operative appointment
The second appointment is 4-6 weeks after surgery
Post-operative swelling and bruising begins to subside after 7-10 days but can take up to 3-4 weeks for the initial 70% of swelling to resolve.
Swelling can persist for a few months and the scars take many months to fade to the point where they are hard to see.
Post-operative swelling and bruising begins to subside after 7-10 days but can take up to 3-4 weeks for the initial 70% of swelling to resolve.
Swelling can persist for a few months and the scars take many months to fade to the point where they are hard to see.