Liposuction for Men

Liposuction for Men

What is men's liposuction?
Males tend to accumulate and store fat in different areas than females. The most common areas for liposuction include the abdomen, the flanks “love handles”, the chest wall (male breast reduction), and the neck and chin.

Men with good skin elasticity and very little or no extra loose skin will often be excellent candidates for liposuction to improve body contour. Once there is a significant amount of excess or loose skin, the skin removal procedures may be a better option.

The Surgery

During the procedure
A day surgery procedure, liposuction is performed under general anesthetic, though small areas of liposuction can be done under local anesthetic as well. The length of surgery is dependent on the location and amount of fat removed.

Minimal access incisions (5 mm typically) are used near to the surgical site and can often be hidden in natural skin creases or moles.

The compression garment is put on at the end of the procedure.

After Your Surgery

Post procedure
Here are some things to expect after your surgery:
• It’s normal for some fluid to leak from the small incision sites for up to 48 hours after the operation.
• The garment is removed for the first time one week after the procedure. It is to be worn day and night for the next four weeks (other than in the shower).
• Bruising at the site of surgery an last 7-14 days.
• You may resume regular daily activities the next day, but should refrain from vigorous exercise for 4 weeks.
• Typically patients will require 1-5 days of downtime.
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Do you have any questions or would like a personal consultation?