Breast Augmentation FAQ


Breast Augmentation

Quick Fact Guide
1Consultation time required
New patient 30-45 minutes.
2Approx. total cost
Provided at consultation.
3Usual length of operation
1.5 hours
4Usual length of stay
Day surgery, no overnight stay.
5Type of anesthesia (usually)
General anesthesia
6Are there permanent scars?
Yes. Exact location will be reviewed at the initial consultation as it depends (may be in the breast fold underneath the breast or at the border of the areola.
7Is there swelling?
Yes, especially in the first 1-3 weeks when the implants and breasts can feel very “high” or elevated. They will often start to “drop” over the first 1-3 weeks.
8Is there bruising
Yes, bruising is normal, particularly along the lower and outer breast. This subsides in the first 2-3 weeks.
9Are there stitches to be removed?
No, the stitches are all dissolving.
10Are there dressings?
Yes, but minimal (dry gauze only)
11When can I shower?
Although you could take a sponge bath the next day after surgery, the initial dressings can’t get wet. After your first post op visit when the dressings are removed, you may shower (typically day 2 or 3 following surgery)
12Are there drains used?
13When can I drive?
You must be able to move easily, be off any narcotic pain pills. This can be any time from day 2 onwards but is typically around day 2 to day 4 following surgery.
14When can I go back to work?
If you do not have any heavy lifting at work (i.e. you work in an office or at a desk), you may return to work in 2-4 days. If you have heavy lifting with your job, you may need to be on modified or light duties for 3-4 weeks before resuming any heavy lifting.
15When can I go to the gym?
You can start light lower body or cardiovascular exercises such as the elliptical or treadmill after 2 weeks. Heavy lifting and a normal work out can be started at 4 weeks.
16What are things to watch for after surgery or things that I should phone the office about?
A sudden painful swelling on one side or the other can be the result of post operative bleeding, pain not controlled by the above mentioned medications, vomiting and inability to take fluids which can lead to dehydration, excessive oozing from the dressings, fever over 38 degrees, progressive swelling or redness near the incision or on the breast. If you have any difficulty breathing you need to go to the ER or call 911.


Do you have any questions or would like a personal consultation?